Cumulative Cost Savings
Expected Energy Costs $10,816,272
Actual Energy Cost $7,203,138
Program Savings $3,613,134
Percent Savings 33.4%
Other Savings $2,123
Total Savings $3,615,257
Expected Energy Costs
Amount you would have spent on energy without energy management program
Actual Energy Costs
Actual utility costs for electricity, gas, water, sewer, etc obtained directly from bills.
Program Savings
The difference between Expected and Actual Costs, calculated in accordance with the Intentional Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol. Does not
include savings attributable to reduced equipment maintenance and replacement costs and other collateral benefits. These savings can increase the program savings up to 20%.
Other Savings
Additional documented savings attributable to Program activities but not direct result of usage reductions, such as rebates, refunds, tariff changes, etc.
Cumulative Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Energy Reduction Impact: 6,156 metric tons of CO2 (170,823 MMBTU)
This equivalent to the following:
1,283 Passenger cars not driven for one year or
157,847Tree seedlings planted and grown for 10 years
Expected Energy Costs $10,816,272
Actual Energy Cost $7,203,138
Program Savings $3,613,134
Percent Savings 33.4%
Other Savings $2,123
Total Savings $3,615,257
Expected Energy Costs
Amount you would have spent on energy without energy management program
Actual Energy Costs
Actual utility costs for electricity, gas, water, sewer, etc obtained directly from bills.
Program Savings
The difference between Expected and Actual Costs, calculated in accordance with the Intentional Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol. Does not
include savings attributable to reduced equipment maintenance and replacement costs and other collateral benefits. These savings can increase the program savings up to 20%.
Other Savings
Additional documented savings attributable to Program activities but not direct result of usage reductions, such as rebates, refunds, tariff changes, etc.
Cumulative Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Energy Reduction Impact: 6,156 metric tons of CO2 (170,823 MMBTU)
This equivalent to the following:
1,283 Passenger cars not driven for one year or
157,847Tree seedlings planted and grown for 10 years